Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Day at the Zoo

On Friday we both had the day off and decided to go to the zoo. It was so fun! I hadn't been to the zoo in a really long time. The weather was perfect and I always think it's fun to explore your own city and see what there is to see

Here are pictures of some of our favorite animals. It's fun to see animals you don't really see everyday. We especially loved the brightly colored frogs, the flamingos, and the giraffes.

Here is Ty checking his wingspan and looking tough

and shooting "threes" with the orangutan

I would say it was a very successful day at the zoo :) 


  1. I heart the zoo! I like Ty's wingspan & his form is almost as good as that orangatang's. :)

  2. There both shooting threes but which one scored. Fun day
