Sunday, October 6, 2013

Life in Boise

We moved to Boise at the beginning of August. We really feel lucky that things worked out the way they did for us to end up here. It was so relieving to be leaving Rexburg with a plan and an idea of what was coming next. It was stressful to try and find a place to live though. We wanted to find something close enough to my work for me to walk, and also wanted something bigger than the apartments we had been living in, but not huge since it's just the 2 of us. We came to Boise a couple times to look at houses, and left feeling discouraged that we weren't going to find what we wanted. 3 days before we were supposed to leave Rexburg we found out that we had been picked to rent a little duplex that we really liked. We were so happy! It has hardwood floor in the living room, the kitchen is painted red and all the other rooms are painted fun colors like yellow and green, we have a garage so we won't have to scrape ice off our car, a little backyard, and to top it all off it's a block away from my preschool. It literally takes me 3 minutes to walk to work. We are so happy that we ended up here and are having so much fun putting it together! Here are a couple of pictures of some projects we've been working on.

we found this table at a garage sale

and here it is after a few coats of paint! (p.s. how fun is our green wall?!)

we got this dresser off of Craigslist

and here it is painted, but still a work in progress. I haven't found the right dresser knobs yet.

I'm not going to post pictures of our house because no room is completely done yet, but we're slowly getting there and I'm really happy with the way things are turning out! Ty and I both agree that we appreciate our home a lot more now that we have been putting a lot of work into it. 

We've also had a lot of fun exploring our new city! The first few weeks we were here we would just get in the car and drive around to try and get more familiar with where things are. We spent weekends walking around downtown and taking trails just to see where we'd end up. I still don't feel like I know my way around very well, but I just need to give it time. Yesterday I took the car while Ty was at the Priesthood session and got lost trying to get to the mall. Umm, that's a slight problem. I will never feel at home in a place where I can't find my way to the nearest Target! I'm learning. 

Here are some pictures of things we've done in this new place we call home:

Ty participated in a street ball tournament for work. It ended with a dunk contest in front of the Capitol Building. Pretty cool! 

We've explored our farmers market. so many fun stands and fresh flowers everywhere!

we've given talks in our new ward (which we love),

chaperoned a youth dance, where we were mistaken for youth when we walked in. Thank you?

and we went to a Boise State game! we had a good time, but I will always cheer for my wolf pack!

We also celebrated our 3rd anniversary here in August! We had a fun dinner downtown and went out to ice cream after. It was a great night and I'm so thankful for the past 3 years we have been able to spend together. So much has happened, including this move and new jobs, and I can't imagine going through all of this with anyone else! 

isn't he so cute? I just love him. 

We're so thankful to be here and are so happy to be starting this new phase of life! I'll be honest, it has been a bit of an adjustment. Ty has already been so busy with work and I feel like we barely see each other, but we're figuring out our new schedules and feel blessed that we had such a smooth transition out of college. And so, here we are in the "real world" bracing ourselves for whatever comes our way. Wish us luck! 


  1. Awesome. Life is good. Keep finding the joy. I am so happy that you are so happy. You both have become quite domestic! I love it

  2. So fun to get a peak into your "life in Boise" - we hope to come visit soon. Let us know when you are ready!
